Our Solutions

Exclusive Open Courses

These are carefully researched and selected courses, created by our team in-house and delivered by dedicated and highly experienced practitioners to guarantee attendees the necessary knowledge and skill required to promptly apply within their respective roles. These courses remain exclusive because spaces are limited. However, the courses are open to all applicants and cater for professionals in both public and private sector organisations. Our open courses are run in parts of Europe within venues that are COVID compliant.


Tailored Solutions

Should you require a training programme that is industry/sector specific and tailored to suit your precise needs, then we have our tailored solution as an option for your organisation. This solution goes beyond the creation of a tailored programme. A lot of attention is given to the quality of material, research, statistics and practical references including case studies.


Enterprise Driven Conferences: Entrepreneurs and SMEs

The purpose of CERT has always been to make  a positive impact on the community. We understand that entrepreneurs and SMEs play a pivotal role in the country’s economy specifically in the area of business activity and employment. We have a collection of enterprise driven events that will act as a catalyst and launch pad for entrepreneurs to break into new income streams.

These Enterprise Conferences present an opportunity to work with carefully selected brands, cutting across multiple industries, looking to partner with entrepreneurs and SMEs in expanding their influence to other territories or geographical markets.

Attending entrepreneurs and SMEs will benefit from a acquiring a business model that can be applied in their home territory, working with a brand or business that has a proven track record.



As a team we believe the growth and performance of any organisation is highly reliant on the capacity of its most valued resource – its people. With the right people doing the right things organisations can achieve targets set, implement strategies and execute projects with minimal risk of failure. The right people are those that possess the right skill set to do the job; and this is where we come in – we provide a consultancy service where we are able to support projects, organisations and individuals in mapping skillsets against targets and providing a plan/solution to fill the gap.

Our focus remains to help businesses and projects perform better by putting the right structures in place to ensure that at every point in time they have the right level of skills resource to deliver results.

E. enquiry@cert-training.com