Money Laundering and Transnational Fraud

Duration: 1 Week

Location: London, UK


Course Description

This course is aimed at all managers and financial investigators to increase their awareness and knowledge of how criminal proceeds are obtained and disseminated both locally and internationally. It also explores how national and international cooperation is necessary; to ensure both criminal and preventative measures are adequately implemented, to combat the professional money launderer. The course highlights the concept of financial investigation and the investigation of money laundering.

This course is suitable for senior decision-makers and all public and private sector managers especially accountants, auditors, financial investigators and members of law enforcement agencies and those involved in compliance, due diligence and prevention activity.


Who Should Attend

Our vision at CERT is to become a globally renowned learning and skills development partner for professional that operate within the public service.


Course Objectives

  • Understand the complex world of money laundering
  • Recognise the impact of money laundering on world economy
  • Understand the 40 FAFT recommendations; specifically the 9 recommendations related to funding terrorism that are relevant to money laundering
  • Align organisational core business with the European Directives concerning money laundering
  • Identify Organisational/Departmental core outputs by analysing and monitoring the process through performance indicators
  • Understand Organisational fraud risk and its management
  • Identify the scale of Organisational/Departmental risks through the process of fraud risk gap analysis


Programme Outline

  • Anti-Money Laundering Legislations
  • An Overview of the Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Regulations Affecting the Region and Tailored to a Specific Jurisdiction
  • Overview of Money Laundering, High Risk Products and Services
  • Definition of the Three stages of Money Laundering; Placement, Layering and Integration
  • The importance of Prevention at the various stages
  • Vulnerabilities relating to various instruments, Products and Services offered by Banks/Financial Institutions used as vehicles for Laundering Money
  • The concept of Risk Management and the effects of money Laundering risk to the Financial System
  • Risk Management Processes, Practices and Concepts, with emphasis on Money Laundering Risk and its impact on the Financial System and Nation
  • Enactment of sound policies, procedures and monitoring tools to detect and deter money laundering
