Managing Digital Projects II

Duration: 1 Week

Location: London, UK


Course Description

This course is a follow up to Managing Digital Projects I and offers a more advanced and incisive look into how digital projects are managed and delivered.


Who Should Attend

This course is suitable for delegates who attended part I and managers with some experience in interactive media or IT.


Course Objectives

  • Manage the intricacies of delivering a digital project.
  • Manage both internal teams and external agencies
  • Apply a risk averse approach and successfully troubleshoot where necessary
  • Manage the project budget and procurement process
  • Deliver testing and continuous improvement


Programme Outline

  • Project management - recap
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Team Management
  • Managing time and budget I
  • Reviewing resources and schedule
  • WBS: Work Breakdown Structure
  • Procurement and external agencies
  • Content Creation
